Sunday, April 18, 2010

Back in the hunt

I should say I am still trying to catch my breath. What a weekend it has been. It seems the footballing Gods were smiling at United all weekend. An injury-time derby win, Chelsea's loss at Tottehnam and Arsenal sinking at Wigan - not even the most ardent United fan would have foreseen such a favourable set of events unfolding this weekend!

Truth be told, it didn't seem to be going very well for United at the Eastlands for most of the derby. United were up against a City team that had scored goals in heaps in the past few games. But after the opening whistle, Mancini seemed to be playing more for a draw than a win and City were hence difficult to break down. United on the other hand were playing a determined game - after all they needed nothing less than a victory to get back in the title hunt. But given that the game was a cagey affair for most part and that United were playing only a half-fit Rooney upfront, it seemed we had a tall order to climb. Though we created the best of the few chances the game saw, it seemed we were heading for another goalless draw that could put the title beyond us. But United showed why they are the most resilient side in world football. With just 10 seconds to go on the clock, Patrice Evra delivered a pin-point cross to the Paul Scholes who had advanced into the City penalty box without anybody picking him. The unassuming legend coolly headed the ball into the corner of the net and United had won another derby in the injury time this season (the Spirit of '99 lives on!). Suddenly, we were back in the title race. You had to watch the victory celebrations to understand what that goal meant - everybody, including Sir Alex, was dancing in delight. I did my share of dancing too for the "noisy neighbours" had been silenced again and a 4th consecutive title was a possibility again!

I am sure Chelsea players' morale would have been dented after watching United win that way at Eastlands. Add to that they were playing Tottenham who were flying high after a landmark victory against their own neighbours Arsenal . John Terry was lucky he wasn't penalised for a handball against Bolton in the mid-week. But it was a case of "what goes around comes around" when he was punished just for that (though a soft one I should say) at the Lane and Tottenham were ahead pretty early-on. Gareth Bale then finished them off with a goal any striker would be proud of. Chelsea just couldn't find the answers, especially after they lost Terry who saw a Red card. Though the game ended 2-1, I was actually disappointed Spurs didn't score more (goal-difference could still decide the title!). They failed to convert at least 2 chances that could only be called sitters! But then, I am more than happy with them returning the favour United provided them by beating City.

Arsenal would have felt they were back in it after Chelsea lost in North London but I discovered they blew a 2 goal advantage against Wigan in the last 10 minutes. They are definitely, now, out of the race. I couldn't help thinking this was a divine week for United. Just everything going for us and against our title contenders. But it also shows how every week could be a turning point this stage of the season. United are still a point adrift and we still have to hope Chelsea drop points for us to have a chance. And the 3 remaining games are not easy by any stretch of one's imagination. The title race has been the most topsy-turvy one this season and I believe it's going to be that way all the way to the finish. I just hope all the turns the race is going to take will be in our favour!

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